Milestone: I took my book to the printer yesterday.
Daily Inspirations is a photo book with positive affirmations meant to uplift and encourage.
This project began years ago and culminated recently when I realized how influential affirmations really are. Several years ago I had a therapist who started me in the habit of changing any negative thoughts that came to mind into more positive thoughts by writing the corresponding positive thought on a flash card and practicing it. That habit left me with seven hand-written flashcards I called my "happy thoughts." I used to pull them out and read them when I was feeling crappy.
In January 2010 my friend, Annie, introduced me to the work of Esther Hicks. Esther's work encourages us to look at things from the perspective of unconditional love which leaves no room for doubt or worry. She offers several processes that help shift our perspective to one that is more in alignment with Source. The more I learned to shift my thinking, the more flashcards I made to remind myself of my new positive choices.
Spiritual Psychotherapist Extraordinaire, Jill Lebeau MFT introduced me to a phrase that I love: "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!" What a great reminder that perspective is everything. In her book, Feng Shui Your Mind, page 28 directs us to identify our "cluttered thoughts" and then replace them with "decluttered thoughts." The decluttering process outlined in Jill's book helped me identify even more of my negative thinking and replace it with thoughts that vibrate with pure positive energy! Since Law of Attraction brings more of what we look at, more and more thoughts began to feel good!
It was when I heard Esther Hicks say on her free introductory CD that meditation and affirmations were the avenues first suggested to her to deepen her connection to Source that I realized the full value of affirmations. With daily practice I have come to know how wonderfully uplifting they can be. They are my absolute savior when I experience moments of doubt, or as Pink says, when my "confidence is cracked."