There is no death. We are non-physical, eternal beings focused here in physical form for the purpose of finding joy and balance.
Ninety-nine percent of you is currently non-physical. One tiny percent of "All that is You" is physically focused here on earth. The other 99% is still non-physical: your Source, Source Energy or God energy.
You are a physical extension of that which is God. So is every person on the planet. God energy or Source energy is flowing to you and through you all the time, a constant Source of wellness and abundance and love.
So if abundant wellness is always flowing to you - why do you feel like it is not reaching you?
Patterns of negative thoughts impede the flow of abundant wellness. It takes practice, but negative thought patterns can be changed to positive thought patterns and then your point of attraction shifts and you will begin to thrive as all the abundance of the Universe flows into your life.
If you feel fear or worry or anger most of the time, your vibration (by the Law of Attraction) draws more things to you that make you feel fearful, worried or angry. Negative or "bad-feeling" emotions indicate that you are calling unwanted things to yourself.
If you feel happy or calm most of the time, your vibration (by the Law of Attraction) draws more things to you that make you feel happy and calm. Positive or "good-feeling" emotions indicate that you are calling wanted things to yourself.
So you say: I am calling unwanted things to myself. Here they are and I am looking right at them. HOW do I then feel happy and calm so I can start calling wanted things to myself!?
The answer is this: Stop looking at the unwanted things! Distract yourself in any way you can because nothing is more important than that you feel good!
For example: Let's say you have a day at the beach with very dear friends. Everything is lovely. The scenery is gorgeous. The weather is brisk. The food and beverage selections are divine. The company is delightful. Then a stranger appears and interjects a negative experience - somewhat frightening for a moment, but the moment passes quickly along with the stranger.
What do you take away from this day?
Do you nurse your anger at the stranger and tell others about it to justify your anger?
You are justified, to be sure. You have the right to be angry, but do you WANT to be angry?
Do you want to vibrate angry thoughts that attract more angry thoughts and drive your blood pressure to the brink because you are RIGHT to be angry at the stranger? Or would you just as soon let it go?
How do you let go? Remove your attention from the unwanted and place it firmly back on the wanted - or the appreciated aspects of your day.
Enjoy the scenery and the crash of the surf. Enjoy the taste of your freshly brewed iced tea. Sing a song with your companions and lift everyone's spirits. When people ask you how the beach was, extol the virtues of the scenery and the great fun you had watching your dog swim in the surf!
Life is all about choices. But we've been trained into habits of choosing negative thinking. We need to practice new habits so we can begin to choose better feeling thoughts and regain our balance.
If you want to thrive and not just survive, you must change your point of attraction, or your vibration.
Changing your vibration is no different from controlling diabetes for a diabetic person. If someone is living with diabetes, they need to monitor their blood suger levels. When the levels are out of balance, the diabetic takes steps to bring it back into balance. If the imbalance is allowed to go unchecked, serious health problems will arise and the diabetic makes the transition back to 100% non-physical. (100%
non-physical is not dead, just not physical.)
To change your point of attraction, you must monitor your emotions. When they are out of balance to the negative end of the spectrum, you must take steps to bring it back into balance. If the imbalance is allowed to go unchecked, seriously unwanted situations are attracted to your vibration. Health (or financial or relationship) problems will arise as the person cuts themselves off from the flow of abundant well-being.
It is important to remember that your current circumstances, whatever they may be, are temporary and that your future circumstances are controlled by your point of attraction.
The keys to rewiring my own point of attraction are meditation and affirmations; a powerful combination.
Meditation trains us to focus our mind: the most powerful tool available to us. Meditation is not as complicated as most people want to make it. It simply means putting your focus in one place. The ticking of a clock, the babbling of a brook, the hum of an air conditioner are wonderful places to put your focus. Ten to fifteen minutes a day are enough. Just quiet your mind and allow it some peace for a few minutes. Like anything, it takes practice.
Affirmations are an effective way to retrain our vibration. Beliefs are simply thoughts that we have practiced repeatedly. Affirmations are positive thoughts that uplift our spirits and help us train our vibration into a positive place. Practice them repeatedly and see how your beliefs and your life change for the better!
Allow yourself space each day to practice. You deserve it!
~ Cyndi
Practicing Happiness Daily
You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life.