Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Affirmations to the Rescue!

Ever been side-swiped by a semi truck?  Not like in your car, but you personally in the flesh knocked upside the head by an eighteen wheeler?  Ok, how bout this one:  Has your bookkeeper ever told you that the amount you pay in quarterly taxes (an amount that already felt like a really large payment to you) will have to triple starting next month?

Getting hit with a truck probably feels pretty much the same.  Anger.  Rage.  Powerlessness.  Fury.  The cluttered mind runs rampant.  The cluttered mind tells me:  That's an impossible amount!  You can't pay the taxes and still pay the bills!  Just forget the business - get a W-2 job!  Go be a greeter at WalMart instead of working till your hands cramp - no one appreciates you anyway!

That was when the little bell went off.  Suddenly all those cluttered thoughts just didn't ring true and I heard a little voice say, "Everything is working out for your highest good."

That soothed my raw nerves a bit until my cluttered mind demanded to know "how?! How will it work out?"  Thus ensued a roller coaster plummeting to fearsome depths of cluttered thoughts alternating with higher vibrations where I managed to declutter to small points of clarity.

When I really let my cluttered mind have a turn at bat, it told me that I would have to give up receiving massage, my vacations, my groceries, my walks in the park, a career that I love, everything good in life!  My little voice kept trying to tell me to replace the fear with faith, but when the fear is flush ice-cold terror it can shake solid faith into the dust of doubt.

A life of faith takes daily practice.  Luckily I have been practicing a lot lately and I was able to not lose my grounding completely.  In the past, this same situation would have driven me to bed for days or weeks in a black funk that refused to be thrown off.

I am so appreciative that I have learned that I can change the way I feel by changing what I am thinking!  I could hear Jill Lebeau's voice saying, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

I opened the digital copy of my book (the one that will be available for sale soon!) and read through my affirmations, letting them wash over me, reminding me of a vibration more truly my own.

One of the tools I have been working with recently is the Abraham-Hicks Daily Planning Calendar (purchase it from Esther at this link).  It has a daily reading and sometimes a writing assignment.  On the back of each page is space to write a list of things you intend to do, be and have.  It is a year-long study-workbook full of inspiration they describe as a "365 Day Course in Spiritual Practicality."  It has a way of saying exactly what I need to hear right when I need to hear it.  Yesterday my Workbook Calendar (page 133) said:
Feel Your Connection with Inner Being  "...when you make that connection, never again do you feel insecure or fearful or unable or incapable or alone."  Abraham - G 2/17/91
I felt unbelievably uplifted.  I thought, "How would Source energy see my situation?"  And then very clearly I heard my inner wisdom say in my own voice, "You are amazing and capable of anything and this is a wonderful opportunity for you to shine."  And there was not one word from my cluttered mind to refute this eternal truth.

Make that connection to your Source, to your inner being, to your eternal wisdom, to your Spirit.  Understand that you are an extension of Source energy and that everything is working out according to a higher wisdom, for the good of All.  This is the connection that will uplift you when all else fails.

I don't know where all that extra tax money is coming from, but I don't have to worry about it.  All I need is a deep abiding faith that the Universe will provide for my needs and an open heart willing to seek joy in every moment.

I turned my calendar page over and wrote:

And just like that, the terror was replaced with faith.

Find affirmations that work for you.  Practice them.  Practice happiness daily. 

~ Cyndi 
Practicing Happiness Daily

You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life.


  1. Sister,

    I know exactly how you feel - scared to death! I wish to remind you that I too have had some recent set backs in life and finances. I lost my job unexpectedly after 14 years, my car needed not one, not two but 4 new tires, both of Johnny's vehicles broke and would cost over $1000 to fix, I lost my health and life insurance and had no idea even where to start with that and I lost my retirement. Johnny hit me with he didn't think he was going to graduate high school - so many things! Then I was in the tornados in Kentucky, a blizzard - unbelievable~

    I had no idea how I was going to do anything - but I read and re-read the beautiful cards you sent me and page 28 from "Feng Shui You Mind" by Jill Lebeau & Maureen Raytis - to keep my peace of mind! And it is all working out wonderfully! As long as I am happy and at peace that is the important part. Don't give up, keep your mind and heart focused on what you want. Or as the book Feng Shui Your Mind says declutter!

    Your dreams are possible and though we have hurdles to jump we will reach them. Keep the faith little sister!

  2. Thank you Laura! It means a lot to me to know how much you like te cards that inspired my book! Thank you!
