I have recently spent many hours watching live streaming broadcasts
of Abraham-Hicks. (Info here.) Whether live or recorded, listening
to the wisdom of Abraham is one of the fastest ways I know to raise my vibration.
Several questions posed to me lately from different people went like this: Who is Abraham? Where did you learn that there is no death, that we are all eternal? How do I allow all the well-being of the Universe to flow to me? How can I feel joyful when there is so much wrong in this world?
The answers to all of these questions begin here: abraham-hicks.
I was first introduced to the teachings of Abraham and the work of Esther Hicks by my friend, Annie, who warned me that it was a bit "woo-woo." Being a long-standing supporter of woo-woo, I dove in head first. I fell in love with the book Annie gifted me, Ask and It is Given. I offer this book as a brilliant place to begin anyone's introduction to the idea that we are vibrational beings in a vibrational Universe capable of changing anything in our lives simply by changing the vibration of our habitual thought patterns. Some will find this a radical notion. I find it comforting beyond words.
This is a topic for study and Esther has a huge library of resources including recordings of over 25 years of seminars on DVD and audio available. Here is a list of links to some of my personal faves: Introduction to Abraham, Getting into the Vortex, The Master Course, Hooked on the Vortex, Guided Meditations.
Another book to help integrate the spiritual path of appreciation into your life is Feng Shui Your Mind co-authored by Jill Lebeau MFT. Esther's books are written from the perspective of Source energy - Abraham. While intensely inspirational, this perspective is slightly difficult to comprehend from our current physical perspective (Though Esther's enormous library explains it patiently and repeatedly to help us remember). Feng Shui Your Mind provides a clear human perspective on many of the same principles that Abraham teaches (we are eternal vibrational beings who deliberately came here to connect with Spirit, live in joy and uplift ourselves and others).
Practice is an important part of learning to appreciate your entire life (even unplanned things like auto accidents have value and can be appreciated). Daily affirmations have become one of my favorite tools to practice a vibration of appreciation.
Affirmations can be truths that already resonate with you:
Or truths that you want to integrate into your knowing:
Or simple words to guide us back to our own intentions:

I love the affirmations! If you want to incorporate affirmations into your practice,
it is fun and easy to create your own. My affirmations can be enjoyed on Facebook (follow the link to "like" my art-full affirmations) or you can buy my purse-sized, take-with-you-anywhere book of affirmations on my website.
it is fun and easy to create your own. My affirmations can be enjoyed on Facebook (follow the link to "like" my art-full affirmations) or you can buy my purse-sized, take-with-you-anywhere book of affirmations on my website.
Walking the path of appreciation has increased the joy in my life a hundredfold! My worries and anxieties have diminished to nearly non-existant. Things still pop up
to worry about, I simply choose to practice NOT worrying because I know it is all working out for my highest good. I love coming to understand the truths of the Universe, and I love sharing this uplifting information!
to worry about, I simply choose to practice NOT worrying because I know it is all working out for my highest good. I love coming to understand the truths of the Universe, and I love sharing this uplifting information!
This is my path ~ the "path of appreciation" I have come to love calling it.
All this path requires is an open mind and a desire to live the life you have always dreamed.
~ Cyndi
Practicing Happiness Daily
You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life.
I keep trying, sissy