Monday, January 30, 2012

Raise your vibration to attract abundance

Esther Hicks will be giving thirty-four workshops in 2012!  I highly recommend the experience to everyone.  Check for the schedule and to purchase a ticket to one of these leading-edge, high-vibration events.

I went to two in San Francisco last year and attended the December event held in Phoenix with the online streaming.  All three times I walked away inspired and enlightened.  The DVD's for sale on her website are these live seminars that have been recorded, so if you can't get to a workshop near you, a DVD is the next best thing.  I find Esther's work enlightened and uplifting.  It raises my vibration to one of abundance!

In Hooked on the Vortex: Creating Your Reality by Creating Your Mood, there was a wonderful segment where Abraham demonstrated how to change our vibration around money.  Since we attract what we focus on, it is important to maintain a healthy vibration around money.  Many of us think about the "lack" of money rather than the abundance of money.  

Many of us repeatedly think thoughts like: I need more money because I do not have enough.  I need more money because I cannot pay the bills.  I need more money - it seems like everyone else has more than I.  The car is broken, the roof needs repair, I will never get ahead!

Abraham offered the following excerpt as an example of how to change your thinking - and thus your vibration - about money.

Here is an excerpt from Hooked on the Vortex:

I want more money.
More money would be good for me.
More money would give me more flexibility.
With more money I would have more fun.
With more money I would feel the ease of creating in the way I want.
With more money I can have more delicious experiences.
With more money I could be of more value to others.
With more money I could fulfill more of my reason for being.
With more money I will experience so many more of the things I have been asking for.
With more money I’ll be more in alignment with who I’ve become.
With more money I am in alignment with the prosperity that is me.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the Vortex of Attraction Series Episode 4 "Hooked on the Vortex: Creating Your Reality by Creating Your Mood" DVD

Doesn't that feel fabulous?!?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Think giddy thoughts chronically!

My Sister recently had what felt like a setback to her.  She was let go from her job of 14 years (for bogus, made-up reasons because her bosses were too spineless to speak truth!  But I digress...).

She took care of the essentials, filed for unemployment, reinvested IRA funds, applied for jobs open in her field (she was offered two!) and all the rest.  Then she lost momentum and began to feel a bit down.  I reminded her that I once lost a job I loved and was devastated at the time.  Looking back now, however, we can both see why it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I told her to visualize the perfect job in the perfect place with the perfect salary.  I told her to really LOOK at that picture in her mind and hold it close to her heart.  Law of Attraction will bring what we focus on!

She described her vision to me.  I was surprised and delighted that the vision she described was a complete departure from her current career.  She wants to venture down an avenue that carries far less stress than her current career, something that doesn't require her advanced education, something that allows her to work from home.  She would be doing something she loves doing even when she is not being paid to do it.

She had already researched the field and found that the salary can be close to what she currently earns.  She was full of ideas and excited about different creative avenues that would spring organically from this new position she was dreaming for herself.  I got excited listening to her!  She said it made her giddy to think of it and I told her to just keep thinking it!

In the span of time it took to describe this vision to me, she went from feeling "blah" to feeling giddy!

Monday, January 23, 2012

My dog: Ambassador of Joy

It's a dog's life.  Captain Boscoe P. Jenkins came to live with us in April, 2011.  Since then he has been a constant source of joy, love, entertainment, and life lessons.

When we take him out, people comment on how happy and joyful he is (and cute!) and more than once someone has said that it is Boscoe's purpose in life to make people smile.  So true.

I am not a morning person, but somehow waking to a friend who is joyful and bubbly first thing really puts the right spin on the day.  Especially when he is SO adorable!!

When we had him fixed, he had to wear that "cone of shame" that they make dogs wear so they don't chew out stitches.  Now if you or I had a serious impediment like a cone wrapped around our head, we would sulk, and whine and point to the cone and say, "See.  I have limitations and restrictions."  Not Boscoe!  he hardly seemed to notice as he moved joyfully through his day quickly adapting his new "condition" to his environment without complaint.

Dogs don't let setbacks ruin their day.  They are cheerful on waking and willing to play at any moment of the day.  We can learn a lot from our dogs.  

Boscoe's best friend is a calico cat named Godzilla.  They love to play!  I include links here to Boscoe's highly entertaining YouTube videos:

 If you are feeling down for any reason, visit the links.  You cannot possibly watch them without smiling at least once.  Think of them as a tool to use in your "think happy thoughts" tool box.

You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why do I want what I want?

Right now I am learning about letting go of the "when" and "how" of what I want.  I am learning that it is important to focus on "why" I want what I want.

I am not perfect in the execution of the art of allowing, but I so appreciate that the minor steps I am taking produce such tremendous growth of spirit!

Why do I want a particular outcome?

Example: I want more money 

Why?  I want more money so that:
  • I will feel more ease in my life
  • I can create with more freedom
  • more people can benefit from my success
  • I can travel and see all the beautiful waterfalls in the world
  • I can provide for the people I love
  • I can live in my waterview home where the vibration is in the Vortex 24/7!
  • I can spend more time swimming and hiking

The list goes on and on and it feels good!  I don't want more money because "i don't have enough." (That does NOT feel good!)  I want it for all these joyful reasons that feel so good!  I don't worry about the when or how - because it already exists inside my Vortex.  My work is simply to believe it exists, and that as long as I am joyful in my vibration, I am steadily moving toward more money.

So, focus on your perfect outcome - then raise your vibration with "why do I want this outcome?"

It helps me feel better in a matter of minutes!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Turning Point

You know how you can hear something like a million times and it is the million and first that the lightbulb whacks you in the head?  My most recent spiritual growth came like that.

The Challenge:

My beautiful, wonderful daughter  wrecked my car last Friday.  Friday the 13th - a day I normally consider to be lucky.  I reacted quite calmly considering it has been less than 3 months since she totalled another vehicle.  My path has taught me that yelling and anger are a waste of energy.  My affirmations tell me that everything is working out for my higher good.  Appreciation of the contrast (wanted and unwanted) is the goal.

Appreciation is the key to living a joy-filled life.

I am always happiest when I am in a state of appreciation, and at my unhappiest when I can find nothing to appreciate.  And what I finally realize is that the finding is my job.  But I jumped ahead.  Back to the daughter/car situation last Friday...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome to my words

I truly just need a spot to feel and taste uplifting words.  I am not an expert on anything and do not claim to be.  These words are simple observations and inspirations that weave themselves into my life.

I am interested in the teachings of Abraham as interpreted by Esther Hicks.  Abraham is a non-physical entity summoned through Esther by the curiosity of her husband, Jerry Hicks.  You can find a synopsis of Abraham-Hicks' Teachings at  The body of work is immense and inspiring.

My intention is to live joy as fully as possible each day.  I believe that joy is the purpose of life!  Some days are perfect and make choosing joy very easy.  Some days are a bit more challenging.  But I am learning how to choose thoughts of joy in more and more situations and it makes me very happy.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on, you will receive.  Seems simple at first glance. All one must do is think about money and then get lots of money!  But when most of us think about money it is actually the subject "lack of money" that occupies our thoughts.  Ah!  Trickier than you thought, huh?  And changing our habitual thoughts takes PRACTICE.  It's not enough to read the books and watch the DVDs.  It is a learning process that takes daily practice, constant reminders, and repetition.

Our thought habits did not become habits overnight.  They have been layered in over our lifetime with repetition upon repetition and it takes time and practice to change that.  Hell, it takes time and practice just to understand that there is a NEED to change!

This is simply a journal of my practice, my challenges and my spiritual growth.  It is my intent to use this blog as a tool to bring more clarity to my own path.  My hope is that it may bring clarity to others also.

I deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of my life.  So do you!