Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Turning Point

You know how you can hear something like a million times and it is the million and first that the lightbulb whacks you in the head?  My most recent spiritual growth came like that.

The Challenge:

My beautiful, wonderful daughter  wrecked my car last Friday.  Friday the 13th - a day I normally consider to be lucky.  I reacted quite calmly considering it has been less than 3 months since she totalled another vehicle.  My path has taught me that yelling and anger are a waste of energy.  My affirmations tell me that everything is working out for my higher good.  Appreciation of the contrast (wanted and unwanted) is the goal.

Appreciation is the key to living a joy-filled life.

I am always happiest when I am in a state of appreciation, and at my unhappiest when I can find nothing to appreciate.  And what I finally realize is that the finding is my job.  But I jumped ahead.  Back to the daughter/car situation last Friday...

So I remained calm and preserved my energy.  But I kept looking at the car!  It still runs, but is a wreck.  Repairs may be expensive.  I kept looking at the car.  It looked like a real problem - more so every time I looked at it.  So I started trying to solve the problem by deciding what I needed to do.  My car expert says I need a new car.  Besides the cosmetic damage of the wreck, it has other issues.  In fact, I had been focussing some attention recently on all the repairs it needs and had indeed been thinking about buying a new car.

So by the time I woke up the next morning I was confused about whether I needed to buy new or used and whether they would loan me money on a used car, or if "they" would loan me money at all, or if I needed a co-signer, WHO would co-sign for me, and what if my recently-made reservations for vacation had to be canceled because I couldn't afford a new car?!?

The more I continued to look at the car and try to fix the problem, the more depressed I became.  But I continued discussing the issue and examining the issue and looking at every angle of the problem in an attempt to see the solution.

Then I went to work.  Luckily I have one of those jobs that demands I leave my troubles at the door and focus on the work in front of me for hours at a time.  I emerged from my office in a much better place and was able to realize that I needed to take steps to cheer myself.

I reminded myself that it is my intention to always reach for a thought that feels better.  It is my intention to live in joy.  So I let go some resistance and decided I should watch an Esther DVD.  I got two new ones over the holidays and still had one to delve into.  So I delved, and I could NOT have picked a better episode!  Hooked on the Vortex: Creating Your Reality by Creating Your Mood can be purchased at abraham-hickslawofattraction.com.

I was laughing and joyful within 40 minutes of starting the DVD!  Abraham OFTEN has that effect on me, but this one was particularly helpful.  The first person in the hot seat was asking how to overcome a certain "issue" that was plaguing him.  Abraham convinced him and me to ignore issues!  The only thing that holds us apart from the solution to the problem is our continued examination of the issue.  I have heard this and I have read this, but I think I finally UNDERSTAND it!

I know it sounds hokey, but it is true.  As soon as I turned my attention away from the "issue" and started envisioning the solution - me driving in a highly reliable car with the freedom to go wherever I choose - I felt enormously better!  It only took a few minutes of visualizing me in my reliable car going to vacation destinations as planned before I felt complete relief.  I was actually chipper thinking about driving with a new sense of security in my safe reliable car.

I have already put the new, safe, reliable car into my Vortex.  It is there waiting for me.  All I need do is let go of the "how" and "when" of the solution and envision the joy of the solution.  I just need to practice visualizing the solution.  I need to practice my affirmations and keep a positive vibration and Law of Attraction will do the rest.  If I focus on the solution, it must come to me!

I absolutely changed my vibration with the help of Abraham and Esther and managed to pull myself out of a rut before it had much of a chance to begin.  I am actually able to appreciate the fact that she wrecked my car.  It was such a gift of an opportunity to make spiritual growth.

I appreciate that I now understand that I can focus my thoughts where I want.
I appreciate that I do not have to worry.
I appreciate that the car still runs well enough to get around town.
I appreciate that I have made so much spiritual growth.
I appreciate that I do not have to allow circumstances to dictate my mood.
I appreciate that I can choose joy regardless of what is going on in my life.

Life is good and just gets better!

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