Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome to my words

I truly just need a spot to feel and taste uplifting words.  I am not an expert on anything and do not claim to be.  These words are simple observations and inspirations that weave themselves into my life.

I am interested in the teachings of Abraham as interpreted by Esther Hicks.  Abraham is a non-physical entity summoned through Esther by the curiosity of her husband, Jerry Hicks.  You can find a synopsis of Abraham-Hicks' Teachings at  The body of work is immense and inspiring.

My intention is to live joy as fully as possible each day.  I believe that joy is the purpose of life!  Some days are perfect and make choosing joy very easy.  Some days are a bit more challenging.  But I am learning how to choose thoughts of joy in more and more situations and it makes me very happy.

The Law of Attraction states that whatever you focus on, you will receive.  Seems simple at first glance. All one must do is think about money and then get lots of money!  But when most of us think about money it is actually the subject "lack of money" that occupies our thoughts.  Ah!  Trickier than you thought, huh?  And changing our habitual thoughts takes PRACTICE.  It's not enough to read the books and watch the DVDs.  It is a learning process that takes daily practice, constant reminders, and repetition.

Our thought habits did not become habits overnight.  They have been layered in over our lifetime with repetition upon repetition and it takes time and practice to change that.  Hell, it takes time and practice just to understand that there is a NEED to change!

This is simply a journal of my practice, my challenges and my spiritual growth.  It is my intent to use this blog as a tool to bring more clarity to my own path.  My hope is that it may bring clarity to others also.

I deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of my life.  So do you!

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