Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I am Living Joy Fully!

The reason I produced my first book of affirmations was as a gift to my sister.

She was going through a challenging time and I wanted to help influence her vibration into a more positive place.  I had simple affirmations (gathered from a variety of sources) that felt good to me when I practiced them so I decided to share them with her.  Rather than print them like my own barely legible flash cards, I decided they would work better if she could actually read them, so I printed them on my compter. But then I had BIG flashcards with tiny legible print.  Frankly they looked quite boring and uninspiring.  NOT the desired effect.

That's when I got the idea to set them on beautiful photographs that inspire me. The original set of flashcards turned out great, made a wonderful gift and quickly evolved into the book project that became Live Joy Fully!  Since then I have created over 100 original works of inspirational art and I am working on a second book.

Until quite recently I suffered under the delusion that I was making my art to influence the vibration of others.  I love creating my art.  I love finding and crafting words with a vibration that lifts my own vibration.  I love finding one of my own original photographs that fits both the spirit of the words and the physical presence of the words.  I look at my images every day and let them influence my vibration to a higher place.

My art makes me feel good and I make it for me!  If it influences others along the way, that is just icing on my yodel - but I cannot influence the vibration of another.

For those unfortunate enough not to know, THIS is a Yodel 

I can only influence my own vibration.  Within a few days of this recent, brilliant insight, I got a letter from my sister (reprinted with her permission):
Dear Sister, 
I got into a misunderstanding with a friend today that was uncomfortably reminiscent of patterns of misunderstandings I repeated throughout my marriage. 
Went right into my old "omg its all my fault" apologizing mode. Spent an awful night almost in tears worrying, worrying.  When I got home I began reading your beautiful affirmation book as it has become a source of great comfort for me.  As I was reading, I sort of began dozing and all of a sudden I woke up to an epiphany. 
I don't have to worry if I am good enough or nice enough or smart enough or pretty enough for anybody!  I am enough!  Friends should appreciate the pleasure of being in my company and if they can't love me as I am - tough shit!  I love me as I am!  I am an educated and deserving person and I don't have to be with anyone to be happy!  I just laughed and laughed as I realized that come what may, I am gonna be just fine! 
And by reading your affirmation book it just reminded me that I am worth it, I am beautiful in who I am, and that I have to appreciate my uniqueness before others might see it! 
LOL!  Won't he be surprised...hee hee.  
ICING on my yodel.

Stay shiny.

~ Cyndi
Practicing Happiness Daily