Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Life is Good!

Milestone: I took my book to the printer yesterday.  

Daily Inspirations is a photo book with positive affirmations meant to uplift and encourage.

This project began years ago and culminated recently when I realized how influential affirmations really are.  Several years ago I had a therapist who started me in the habit of changing any negative thoughts that came to mind into more positive thoughts by writing the corresponding positive thought on a flash card and practicing it.  That habit left me with seven hand-written flashcards I called my "happy thoughts."  I used to pull them out and read them when I was feeling crappy.

In January 2010 my friend, Annie, introduced me to the work of Esther Hicks.  Esther's work encourages us to look at things from the perspective of unconditional love which leaves no room for doubt or worry.  She offers several processes that help shift our perspective to one that is more in alignment with Source.  The more I learned to shift my thinking, the more flashcards I made to remind myself of my new positive choices.

Spiritual Psychotherapist Extraordinaire, Jill Lebeau MFT introduced me to a phrase that I love: "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!"  What a great reminder that perspective is everything.  In her book, Feng Shui Your Mind, page 28 directs us to identify our "cluttered thoughts" and then replace them with "decluttered thoughts."  The decluttering process outlined in Jill's book helped me identify even more of my negative thinking and replace it with thoughts that vibrate with pure positive energy!  Since Law of Attraction brings more of what we look at, more and more thoughts began to feel good!

It was when I heard Esther Hicks say on her free introductory CD that meditation and affirmations were the avenues first suggested to her to deepen her connection to Source that I realized the full value of affirmations.  With daily practice I have come to know how wonderfully uplifting they can be.  They are my absolute savior when I experience moments of doubt, or as Pink says, when my "confidence is cracked."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Practice the Vibration of Alignment

What does that mean?  Practice a vibration?

We are vibrational beings.  Thoughts are also vibration.  Beliefs are just thoughts we practice over a period time.  The beliefs we hold (or the thoughts we keep thinking) establish our vibrational set-point.

Vibrational set-point is important because it is our point of attraction.  In other words: Our vibrational set-point determines what the Law of Attraction brings into our lives.

If we practice thoughts of fear or worry (What if I lose my job/car/spouse/friend/whatever? What if they laugh at me?  What if I say something stupid?  What if I am late?  Why does everything always go wrong for me?  What if my income won't cover these bills? ), Law of Attraction brings us things to fear or be worried about.  The vibration of anxiety becomes your set-point.

If a person is stuck in a negative vibration, more and more negative things will flow into that person's life.  Anything that worries us is attracted into our own lives by worrying!

It takes practice to change a vibrational set-point.  Just like we practiced our way into a negative vibration (whether we knew we were practicing or not), we can practice back into our natural positive state.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday Rocked!

Esther Hicks raised the vibration in San Francisco yesterday.

If you are not familiar with the work of Esther Hicks, it may be difficult to appreciate the uplifting spiritual experience that she co-creates with her audience.  The last thing I am going to try to do is explain what I am just beginning to understand, so if you want to know what I am talking about, explore Esther's huge library of work on her website.

A dear friend introduced me to the Esther's work by gifting me Ask and it is Given.  That was just two short years ago.  Since then I have listened to endless audio recordings and watched a whole bunch of DVDs of Esther's seminars and while I instantly resonated with her work, I feel that I am only now truly "getting it."  Why?  Because I am one of those people who learns best by repetition.  I need to hear something about a hundred times before the light bulb comes on.  And because living in faith takes practice.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Valentine to Everyone!

Love yourself this Valentine's Day!  The more love you feel for yourself, the more love others feel for you too!  If you have not yet read Feng Shui Your Mind, let this introduction be my Valentine to you!

Feng Shui Your Mind, Four Easy Steps to Rapidly Transform Your Life (FSYM) is one of my all-time favorite books.  It is inspiring and uplifting and, if you let it be, life-transforming.

Jill Lebeau MFT and Maureen Raytis L.Ac. have written what I have come to refer to as "life's little instruction booklet."  This wonderful book lays out a practical four-step process that teaches us to enjoy every moment of our lives to the fullest.  Jill and Maureen teach us to declutter our minds of the thoughts that do not serve us (fear-based thinking).  Then with joy and enthusiasm they teach us how to replace the fear in our lives with faith in our dreams and in ourselves.

I have read books before that told me to have faith, but until FSYM none of them has explained so clearly and concisely how to cultivate and nurture a faith-guided life.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why Bother?

Let me make this perfectly clear: I do not mean to imply even a little that I am in some way immune to negative thinking.  I am not.  I have been quite prone to negative and reactionary thinking all my life.  The reason I am interested in positive thinking is because I now have experience that has shown me how much better I feel when I chronically think positive thoughts.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Milk Vacation Time for Maximum Joy

Planned your vacation yet?  Maybe have tickets to a hot concert this summer?  Is there a spiritual retreat or a trip to the hot springs on your calendar?

How do you make sure these events are everything you've dreamed of?  Start dreaming of them daily!

Maximize your vacation dollars by visualizing your trip unfolding exactly as you would like it to be.  Not only will this help manifest the vacation of your dreams, but it means you get to spend a LOT more time enjoying your vacation than just the days you are physically on vacation!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Boscoe and Godzilla

Boscoe is a real ace in my hand when I need an infusion of happiness!  Godzilla is a three-year-old calico with a lot of love and patience for Boscoe's puppy energy.  They are best friends.

Last night they entertained me for about 20 minutes as Boscoe tried to get his friend to play, but Godzilla was more interested in staying glued to the floor in front of the space heater.

Thought I'd share these photos so you can smile too!

happy napping - toasty furries

wanna play?