Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I am Living Joy Fully!

The reason I produced my first book of affirmations was as a gift to my sister.

She was going through a challenging time and I wanted to help influence her vibration into a more positive place.  I had simple affirmations (gathered from a variety of sources) that felt good to me when I practiced them so I decided to share them with her.  Rather than print them like my own barely legible flash cards, I decided they would work better if she could actually read them, so I printed them on my compter. But then I had BIG flashcards with tiny legible print.  Frankly they looked quite boring and uninspiring.  NOT the desired effect.

That's when I got the idea to set them on beautiful photographs that inspire me. The original set of flashcards turned out great, made a wonderful gift and quickly evolved into the book project that became Live Joy Fully!  Since then I have created over 100 original works of inspirational art and I am working on a second book.

Until quite recently I suffered under the delusion that I was making my art to influence the vibration of others.  I love creating my art.  I love finding and crafting words with a vibration that lifts my own vibration.  I love finding one of my own original photographs that fits both the spirit of the words and the physical presence of the words.  I look at my images every day and let them influence my vibration to a higher place.

My art makes me feel good and I make it for me!  If it influences others along the way, that is just icing on my yodel - but I cannot influence the vibration of another.

For those unfortunate enough not to know, THIS is a Yodel 

I can only influence my own vibration.  Within a few days of this recent, brilliant insight, I got a letter from my sister (reprinted with her permission):
Dear Sister, 
I got into a misunderstanding with a friend today that was uncomfortably reminiscent of patterns of misunderstandings I repeated throughout my marriage. 
Went right into my old "omg its all my fault" apologizing mode. Spent an awful night almost in tears worrying, worrying.  When I got home I began reading your beautiful affirmation book as it has become a source of great comfort for me.  As I was reading, I sort of began dozing and all of a sudden I woke up to an epiphany. 
I don't have to worry if I am good enough or nice enough or smart enough or pretty enough for anybody!  I am enough!  Friends should appreciate the pleasure of being in my company and if they can't love me as I am - tough shit!  I love me as I am!  I am an educated and deserving person and I don't have to be with anyone to be happy!  I just laughed and laughed as I realized that come what may, I am gonna be just fine! 
And by reading your affirmation book it just reminded me that I am worth it, I am beautiful in who I am, and that I have to appreciate my uniqueness before others might see it! 
LOL!  Won't he be surprised...hee hee.  
ICING on my yodel.

Stay shiny.

~ Cyndi
Practicing Happiness Daily

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

May Our Source be with You!

Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction.  Break the habit.  Talk about your joys.    ~ Rita Schiano
Why break the habit?  Because our thoughts build paths that our lives follow.

Talking about problems and thinking negative thoughts build paths toward things we do not want.  Talking about our joys and thinking positive thoughts build paths that lead to everything we desire.

HOW exactly are we supposed to break this habit of negative thinking?  Breaking the addiction cycle begins with recognizing the action.  We need to recognize the moment we start doing the thing we want to stop doing - in this case engaging in negative speak (verbal or non-verbal).  Recognition can be difficult because when actions are habitual, we often do them without thinking.  So thinking is the key.

As we begin trying to change our focus from the negative to the positive, it is possible that the only improvement we will see (for a short time) is that we recognize that we are "doing that thing" again.  Give yourself a big pat on the back!  If you find yourself mid-conversation about how awful things are, and you simply recognize the fact that you are focused on negative: Congratulations!

The longest journey is made one step at a time.  Allow yourself the sweet taste of victory every time you catch yourself.  Revel in that success!

As confidence grows, we begin to recognize the negative speak earlier and earlier in the conversation (verbal or non-verbal).  The next milestone?  Once we are recognizing these actions on a regular basis, we must be willing to try stopping
mid-stream.  How?  As soon as the recognition dawns, simply say, "Oh never mind."  You can expound if you like: "This thought path is leading where I do not wish to go."  But "oh never mind" is as complicated as we need to get.  Anything that works to simply stop the flow of negative speak.

If we are mid-conversation with someone, we might turn the focus in a positive direction.  "I am tired of talking about my problems, let's talk about something happy!"

So:  Step 1 - recognize behavior.  Step 2 - stop behavior.  

Now Step 3 - change behavior.  Replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts.  Make positive thoughts as habitual as possible.

My favorite way to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts is to create and practice affirmations!

Creating affirmations is something I enjoy as an art form, but practicing the affirmations is the important thing.  Some affirmations will resonate immediately.

I practice these to remind myself of truths I sometimes forget.

Some affirmations I create to intentionally change my habitual thought pattern.

My ingrained habit with those who are rude to me is NOT to be nice.  A lifetime of reacting to rudeness with rudeness has been my experience.  But the more I practice myself into a positive vibration, the more joy flows into my life and the less time I am willing to spend in negative energy.  

I practice the affirmation above so that people who are rude to me do not control me.  They can be rude if they choose, but they cannot make me choose a negative vibration.

Positive thoughts align us with Source, God, Unconditional Love.  

Negative thoughts are out of alignment with the Source of our souls (God, Unconditional Love) because Source energy or God will not join us in negative thoughts.  Never.  God is Unconditional Love.  Unconditional Love is always positive.  Always.

When we allow negative thoughts to dominate, we choose to NOT align with God. 

God will not be angry about this or punish us.  (We do that quite well on our own.) God continues seeing us as perfect beings worthy of love without condition (because God is Unconditional Love).  But when we choose to not align with God, we feel separated from God.  This feeling of separation from our Source is what causes us to feel negative emotions.  Negative emotion is a road sign that says, "This road leads where you do not want to go!"  It is our sign to find a more positive thought and realign our thoughts with Source.  

By choosing thoughts that feel good, we feel God.  We choose God.  We align with the Source of all well-being.  And the power that creates worlds flows through us.

If we have spent a lifetime creating patterns of negative thoughts, then replacing those patterns with positive thoughts requires daily practice.

This practice replaces fear with faith.

When chaos is whirling around us, the thoughts that will come are the ones we have practiced.  In the middle of crisis, I want to remain calm, grounded and productive. The only way for me to do that is to practice thoughts that are positive and grounding until they are the main current of my thought flow.  It will be difficult to remain calm if my practiced vibration is one of fear or doubt.

Let's look at some examples of fear-based vs. faith-based thinking:

a) Nothing works!  It's chaos.  My life is falling apart.
b) Everything is working out for my highest good.  

a) My spouse left me.  What did I do wrong?  I will always feel lonely!
b) My marriage ended.  God has a more amazing relationship planned for me than I can even dream.

a) I am so depressed.
b) I am an extension of Source energy.

a) I will never find true love.
b) I am love.  I need not search for it.

a) I am not qualified to (whatever).
b) I can do anything I put my mind to!

a) I hate my body.
b) The world is a work of art, and so am I!

a) I am useless in these situations.
b) I am wonderful, brilliant and worthy.

a) I never get what I want.
b) When I relax and trust, I allow the Universe to deliver everything I have dreamed.

a) What if something terrible happens?!
b) Everything is working out for me.

a) I never have enough money.
b) I joyfully receive income and gratefully pay all my bills.

Which thought in each pair FEELS better when you read it?  Which ones feel like the ones you have been practicing?  Which ones align with how God thinks?  Are there any you would like to practice?

Here is my favorite money mantra from Abraham.  Practice this three times a day and watch your financial abundance start to flow!

So grab some affirmations that resonate with you!
    Know a GREAT source of affirmations?  PLEASE leave a link in the comments!

Sprinkle in a few more that you feel you might appreciate syncing-up with.  Write them in a list or onto individual flashcards and practice, practice, PRACTICE them until they encourage you into a more positive vibration.  

Maybe this is what the famous Star Wars line meant?  May the Force be with you!  

Source is always with us.  It is our work, while we are physical, to allow Source energy to flow.  Source is the light within us.  The more positive my vibration, the more Source shines through me.

Stay shiny!

~ Cyndi
Practicing Happiness Daily

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Super-Awesome, Glorious, Magnificent Drive to Work

It's the little things that count.  We must learn to see them and revel in their beauty.

Beauty shows itself to us every day.  If we cannot see it, the fault lies in us.

Side note: I recently saw the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.  It is a supremely elegant illustration of this statement and the best movie I have seen in a few years.  I highly recommend it.  But I digress...

Recently on a bitter-cold January morning (bitter-cold for Cali is around 42°) I was cursing the cold away and wishing for Spring as I pulled out of the drive and headed to work.  Winter is not yet a month old and I am wishing for warmer weather (which is WHY I live in Cali).

There is a worn white fence around a corner house I pass daily on my way to work that is annually decorated by an explosion of orange poppies in the spring.  More than once those poppies have demanded that I stop and enjoy their silent riot.

Nice, right?  April Fools Day ~ 2011
So anyway, there I am driving along one bleak, cold, gray January morning last week and as I passed the white-fenced house wishing for Spring, do you know what I saw?  A single poppy face in a hazardous shade of orange.  I mean it was traffic-stopping orange in a sea of gray sidewalk, gray street, gray sky - even the white fence looked gray that particular morning.

What a glorious promise of Spring!  For the rest of the day, my mood was as sunny as the summer solstice.  The vision of the orange poppy shining bright through the gray cheered me every time I thought about it, so I thought about it often!  I milked that poppy for all it was worth, and it has been worth a lot!  For over a week that single happy thought has helped my vibration hum happily along in sync with the Source within me.

We gotta grab those happy moments and use them to practice a vibration of allowing! 

Esther Hicks' book, Ask and It is Given, calls this process Virtual Reality.  It helps me practice a vibration of allowing which allows the Law of Attraction to bring more positive experiences into my life.

Because when I vibrate in alignment with my Source: I become the orange poppy on a gray day.

Stay shiny!

~ Cyndi
Practicing Happiness Daily

Monday, November 19, 2012

Accentuate the Positive!

Everything is energy.  People are energy.  Thoughts are energy.

When you think about something, you include it's energy in your experience.  Whether you are thinking about something you like or something you do not
like - you include it in your own experience.  This is physics, not philosophy.

Thought energy manifests.  Put enough thought into anything and it will manifest.

There is no "exclusion" in the universe.  Attention to  anything includes its energy in your experience.  You cannot exclude anything upon which you focus.  Even if while you focus on it you say loudly, "I do not want that!"  If you allow it to hold your attention, you are choosing to include it in your experience.

In other words, the only way to keep something unwanted from being included in your experience is to not give it a second thought.  The instant you focus a fraction of your attention on the unwanted, you invite it to become part of your experience.

A friend recently posted a horrific photo of animal abuse where I was unfortunate enough to come across it.  I only saw the image for a split second before I flipped away, but it kept coming to mind several times throughout my day.  It turned my stomach.  Then I thought how awful it must be to look at those images and focus on that subject daily.  The more my friend posts about the subject (even though she posts against the subject) the more space she gives it in her life, the more of her vital life force she pours into a subject she abhors.  Attention to something cannot diminish it.  Attention to something only allows that something to grow and allows more of it to flow into your experience.

You know those posts that say, "Give me 47 zillion likes if you hate cancer!"  They are often quite successful at getting 47 zillion people to add their thoughts to cancer.  Unfortunately all that focus increases the energy pouring into the manifestation of cancer, not the elimination or exclusion of the disease.

If you want to show support for someone challenged with cancer, the worst thing you can do is request prayers "because they have cancer."  Everyone instantly pictures him sick with cancer and adds to the cancer energy manifesting around him. You do not need to mention the medical diagnosis to receive an inpouring of positive energy.  Post a prayer request for everyone to visualize perfect health flowing steadily into this person's life as their body returns to balance.  Get 47 zillion people thinking those thoughts and watch how swiftly the body heals itself!

Then all that powerful prayer energy has an image of renewed vital health at it's core  - rather than an image of some "poor sick person."  Feel the difference?

"Hating cancer" lets fear of the unknown drain your vital energy and is NOT helpful to the patient or to you.  "Loving vitality and well-being" allows faith to guide your thoughts, infuses your energy levels and can be very helpful to the patient.

Promote what you love!  (You will receive more of it!)
Do not bash what you hate.  (Or you will receive more of it!)

Think about what you love all the time.  Talk about it.  Post about it.  Visualize it daily.  Pour your energy into what you love.

Our thoughts are powerful tools for manifestation.  We must choose wisely where we focus our attention and where we point the attention of others.

~ Cyndi
Practicing Happiness Daily

You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Woo Hoo!

We are going to Hawaii.

Jeremy and I are planning our first trip to Hawaii and we have been having a ball making plans!  We have reservations on Hawaiian Air for next May!

Our first 6 nights will be on the Big Island of Hawaii.  We are hoping there will be lava flowing into the sea while we are there!

First 3 nights we have reservations at Lava Lane Cottages in Pahoa that Jeremy found while looking at lava flow fields in Google Earth.  Here are some photos
of the lovely Palms Cottage that we have reserved.

 Check out all the fabulous adventures nearby at this link:  I hope 3 nights is enough!

Then we move to the Kona Coast for 3 nights at the Royal Kona Resort.
It's not a luxury resort, because luxury is not in the budget, but it is on the beach
and that was a prime objective in this area.

Snorkeling is prime on the Kona Coast, so we plan to commune with the fishes
and hopefully some dolphins!

Being Hawaii, we also plan to take in a luau!
Here are more photos from the Royal Kona.

Exciting!  Oh, maybe I should add massage to the schedule!  :)

Then we are off to Kauai!  Here is the Prince Kuhio Resort in Poipu Kauai where we have reservations for 8 nights.  It looks like an amazing location!

This is our cute studio with an ocean view!

On Kauai we plan to tour the dramatic Na Pali Coast of Hollywood fame.

And there will be more snorkeling!


~ Cyndi 
Practicing Happiness Daily

You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life.

Monday, August 27, 2012

San Francisco Tourist

It's been a while since I posted anything to my blog.  That is not necessarily a bad thing since I am often inspired to write when I am confused by something and trying to work it out.  I feel blessed that everything is going my way!

Jeremy and I shared a beautiful day in San Francisco last week, August 23, 2012, and I ended up with some awesome photographs.  They made me feel happy as I was sorting through them, so I decided to share the joy.

So enjoy!

Bay Bridge

Coit Tower 

Alcatraz from Fisherman's Wharf

Painting purchased for $20
On Fisherman's Wharf we watched an amazing street artist create this painting with cans of spray paint in less than 15 minutes.  It was like watching magic as the picture emerged and the crowd cheered.

Saint Francis of Assisi beneath Coit Tower

Cheerful lanterns in Chinatown
We ate salt and pepper squid at Yuet Lee, always worth a hike across the city!

Transamerica Pyramid

I can't help but feel there is a point to this photographs...

San Francisco Ferry Building

Coit Tower above San Francisco Bay

Leaving the City

The water churned behind the ferry like a horizontal waterfall.  It was mesmerizing.

The fog rolls in to blanket Marin.

Red Rock and Richmond Bridge
(Also known in family parlance as Bekkie's rock.)

Richmond Bridge

This was my favorite shot of the day because I find it so calming.
Doesn't it just invite you to relax?  Hmmmm...

(runs into photoshop and waves her magic wand...)


~ Cyndi 
Practicing Happiness Daily

You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life.