Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Clown Prince

This is the blog post of Captain Boscoe P. Jenkins.

We were not sure what the P stood for when we named him, we just knew
he was special enough to warrant a middle initial.  It's definitely Pookie.

These first two pics were listed with the ad I found
for a "chocolate dapple" mini-dachshund.

I had never seen one like him!

I wasn't quite sure I wanted a dog with blue eyes.

But then on April 7, 2011, we met Boscoe!
Isn't he just the cutest?  He was six-weeks old.

It was love at first snuggle!

But he was too tiny to leave his mommy, so we adopted him,
but left him for another two weeks.  I looked at these pictures twenty times a day!

April 21, 2011 ~ Boscoe the Adorable Wonder Dog arrived in our home.

At first he napped a lot.

Like a little Easter bunny!

 Godzilla, the fearsome hunter, was smitten instantly.

She began training the young grasshopper in the ancient art of Cat-Fu.

So the patchwork puppy's best friend is the calico cat.

Somewhere close to four-months-old, one of his blue eyes turned brown!

Completing his transformation into the world's most adorable dog!

He's so adorable they let him eat in restaurants!

Point Isabel is a place Boscoe and Jeremy and I all enjoy.
You can see why in my photos below:

Boscoe's name is known by many at Isabel because he is so friendly and distinctive.

Once Boscoe got over the "sleepy puppy" phase, 
he became VERY difficult to capture on film.  

My thanks to Mark Sandstorm at

for capturing the cuteness in the three photos above
at Point Isabel with a very fast shutter speed!

We still have our sleepy moments.

Mostly though, we have silly, highly-entertaining moments.

He is a clown,

a prince,

our little seal pup, eternal watcher of the cats.

Thanks for a year full of joy and laughter, Boscoe!

~ Cyndi 
Practicing Happiness Daily

You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life.

1 comment:

  1. Sister,

    OMG the pictures are so good!! He is ADORABLE!!! A very princely addition to your family!! I can not wait to meet him, and hug him, and pet him!!! We will be good friends and I hope he and Lulu will be good pals!! Love the post it has made me smile, laugh out loud and love him even more. Mom tried to post - but she couldn't get it to work for her - she loved it too!
