Monday, January 23, 2012

My dog: Ambassador of Joy

It's a dog's life.  Captain Boscoe P. Jenkins came to live with us in April, 2011.  Since then he has been a constant source of joy, love, entertainment, and life lessons.

When we take him out, people comment on how happy and joyful he is (and cute!) and more than once someone has said that it is Boscoe's purpose in life to make people smile.  So true.

I am not a morning person, but somehow waking to a friend who is joyful and bubbly first thing really puts the right spin on the day.  Especially when he is SO adorable!!

When we had him fixed, he had to wear that "cone of shame" that they make dogs wear so they don't chew out stitches.  Now if you or I had a serious impediment like a cone wrapped around our head, we would sulk, and whine and point to the cone and say, "See.  I have limitations and restrictions."  Not Boscoe!  he hardly seemed to notice as he moved joyfully through his day quickly adapting his new "condition" to his environment without complaint.

Dogs don't let setbacks ruin their day.  They are cheerful on waking and willing to play at any moment of the day.  We can learn a lot from our dogs.  

Boscoe's best friend is a calico cat named Godzilla.  They love to play!  I include links here to Boscoe's highly entertaining YouTube videos:

 If you are feeling down for any reason, visit the links.  You cannot possibly watch them without smiling at least once.  Think of them as a tool to use in your "think happy thoughts" tool box.

You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life!


  1. Wow, I've never seen one like that. He's the cutest puppy anywhere!

  2. You forgot to mention he is a Bay Area sight seeing attraction and a mascot for Ticket to Ride!!! He is an amazing puppy!!
