Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Practice the Vibration of Alignment

What does that mean?  Practice a vibration?

We are vibrational beings.  Thoughts are also vibration.  Beliefs are just thoughts we practice over a period time.  The beliefs we hold (or the thoughts we keep thinking) establish our vibrational set-point.

Vibrational set-point is important because it is our point of attraction.  In other words: Our vibrational set-point determines what the Law of Attraction brings into our lives.

If we practice thoughts of fear or worry (What if I lose my job/car/spouse/friend/whatever? What if they laugh at me?  What if I say something stupid?  What if I am late?  Why does everything always go wrong for me?  What if my income won't cover these bills? ), Law of Attraction brings us things to fear or be worried about.  The vibration of anxiety becomes your set-point.

If a person is stuck in a negative vibration, more and more negative things will flow into that person's life.  Anything that worries us is attracted into our own lives by worrying!

It takes practice to change a vibrational set-point.  Just like we practiced our way into a negative vibration (whether we knew we were practicing or not), we can practice back into our natural positive state.

The most positive vibration we can hold is one that is in alignment with Source.  Source is the pure positive energy that created everything in this universe including us.  

Practicing affirmations that are Source-based is a super-easy way to shift your vibration so that it is more often in alignment with Source than out of alignment.

So what are Source-based affirmations? Statements based in unconditional love. Statements that feel comforting to you even if they contraindicate the thoughts you are currently practicing.

For example:  If you have been practicing a thought similar to, "Nothing ever works out for me," you might not immediately believe a statement like, "Everything is working out for my highest good."  But chances are that when you say it, you feel at least a small bit of relief.  

That's because your Source knows it is true and just saying it brings you closer to vibrational alignment with Source!  (Each of us is an extension of Source energy and never disconnected from Source no matter how disconnected we may feel - so the Source within us literally recognizes the truth and that is why it resonates within us.)

Now, practice saying this Source-based affirmation every day, maybe several times a day and your vibrational set-point gets closer and closer to one that is in alignment with Source.  

Then when the old broken record pops up - and it will, because we have practiced it for all of our lives - and says that nothing ever works out, it will no longer resonate.  Your new vibrational set-point (one of alignment) will remind you almost instantly that everything is working out for your highest good!

~ Cyndi 
Practicing Happiness Daily

You deserve to feel amazing and healthy and relaxed and happy and vibrant every day of your life.


  1. Sister,

    You are so smart. I just know when i think positive everything seems to shine brighter and be easier.

  2. Fantastic reminders! Thrilling & inspiring!!
